June 30, 2011


Gnomes: Deluxe Collector's Edition
by Wil Huygen and Rien Poortvliet

Who Is This Little Man?

For hundreds of years gnomes have watched, listened, advised, assisted and inspired us. Known for their wisdom, patience and kindness to small animals, gnomes have always been there as an essential part of nature. At times they have even been known to assist those in need, council those with difficulties and on occasion teach the unpleasant among us a hard lesson.

Elusive and cunning, these happy little men with their affinity for animals and knowledge of plant life run about the night on their secret duties, while at home the females are busy tending the children and completing domestic chores. Their sworn enemies, besides animals of prey, are trolls who are disliked for their foul odour and general badness; in turn trolls detest gnomes for their beguiling ways and quick feet.

Gnomes is a charming and comprehensive guide into the world of these amazing and astonishing little people. Known mostly for their full beards, rosy cheeks and nose rubbing ways, within these pages you will discover just what it is to be a gnome. Which according to any gnome would be his cap, for a gnome is just not a gnome without his pointy red cap. With physiology, remedies, courtship, legends, songs and personal accounts, Gnomes is a book for anyone with a inquisitive mind and an open heart.
(includes 8 Frameable Prints)
On sale: 01 May 2011
Price (AU): $49.95
ISBN: 9780810998469
Recommended age: 16+
In a word: Gnomes
Re-read it: yes, many times
Recommend: yes
Star rating: five out of five

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