The SPOOK'S Bestiary by Joseph Delaney
The SPOOK'S Bestiary by Joseph Delaney
Let This Be A Warning!
This is John Gregory's guide to The Dark and all the creatures whom dwell within it. Some creatures you will have heard of, you may even have had your own dealings with the likes of boggarts, ghasts and witches. Other creatures you may be learning about for the first time such as boogles, Kabalos mages and skelts. Regardless of their notoriety and level of threat to the County all beings of the dark should he handled without fear, with knowledge and always using common sense.
Not everyone can be a seventh son of a seventh son and therefore eligible to become a Spook, many of you will stumble blindly through the dark with little knowledge of the threats that lie in wait for those of you who are foolish, ignorant or just plain unlucky. But within this Bestiary is the knowledge that could one day save your life, if only making you aware that you have a problem and giving you the foresight to fetch a Spook before you loose your thumbs, are drained of your blood or are just plain frightened to death.
The Spook's Bestiary is an invaluable guide not only for Spooks' and their apprentices but also to those fascinated with the dark, frightened of the dark or are fans of The Spook's series. The Dark is an ever present threat that is continuously growing in strength, but so to is the Spook's determination to fight The Dark in all its forms. With descriptions, stories, notes and sketches no home in the County is safe without a copy of this book to stave off the dark times. An informative and riveting read.
The SPOOK'S - map
On sale: 01 December 2010Price (AU): $29.95
ISBN: 9780370329796
Recommended age: 12-16
In a word: The Dark
Re-read it: yes
Recommend: yes
Star rating: four out of five

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