Are All The Giants Dead? by Mary Norton
illustrated by Brian Froud
"There's No Giant Living!"

James, while sleeping safely in his bed, is awoken my Mildred, a magical woman, and taken on an adventure into a fairy-tale land. At a dream like castle James befriends a princess who is burdened by great loneliness and a christening curse. A bad fairy had cursed the princess and it was now her fate to marry a toad. Understandably upset by the thought of a toad as a husband, the princess runs away and seeks help in breaking her curse. This is when she finds James who decides to help her. But what has all this to do with giants?
Are All The Giants Dead? James is about to discover the answer to this question as he goes against good advice and involves himself in the lives of these fairy-tale characters. In particular, his decision to aid the princess Dulcibel in her toad marrying curse soon brings about a change in this magical land and the town of Much-Belungun-under-Bluff. Despite James' fondness for science fiction, this is a story bursting with fairy-tale characters and references. Accompanied by black and white Froud images, this story is a charming fairy-tale all its own.

ISBN: 9780152015237
Recommended age: 12+
In a word: James
Re-read it: yes
Recommend: yes
Star rating: five out of five
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