Runes Of Elfland by Brian Froud
A Gateway Into Faerie!
There are many doors and pathways to Faerie, even a window will do if you can open it wide enough to fit through. However this guide takes you by the hand and leads you willingly to a place where faeries exist, a place where they play, dance and dream. Anywhere you find nature, the wind, the sky, a puddle of water, you will find a story and a gateway into Faerie.
The Runes Of Elfland are a set of twenty-four runes known collectively as the Elder Futhark. Each individual rune represents more then just its sound or letter, there is a meaning behind each symbol and a story behind each meaning. Between the pages of this book are charms, stories, gifts and symbols that will amuse, delight and enlighten all those who venture along pathways and through doors opened within these pages. A beautiful book for lovers of faeries, art, fairytales and magic.
Price (AU): $20.86
ISBN: 9780810946125
Recommended age: 16+
In a word: Fairies
Re-read it: yes
Recommend: yes
Star rating: five out of five

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