Genesis by Bernard Beckett
Identity Shaped By History!
In 2075 one girls survival triggered events that were to change the course of history. But it is not the girl that history remembers, it is Adam Forde, the boy who defied society to save her. But there is more to this event then the famous actions of one afternoon in 2075, of the one life taken and another saved, it is the consequences of those actions and the choices made afterwards that have had the greatest impact on the world and on the future.
Anaximander has spent the last three years studying those events in 2075 and the consequences that followed. She has spent three years studying her hero Adam Forde, his life and the impact his actions have had to her present, in preparation for her exam into the Academy. But there is more to these events then history remembers and the impact this will have on Anaximander will change her life forever.
Genesis is a complex and thoughtful tale about how history shapes the future and about the changing face of society. A stimulating story on consciousness, identity and the individual. But more then this it is a story of how ethics and morals shape who we are and how technology and human evolution impact what we are meant to be. A simple yet brilliant science fiction story that is a powerful and deeply philosophical look at humanity and what it is to be human.
On sale: 31 January 2011
Price (AU): $19.95
ISBN: 9781921758034
Recommended age: 16+
In a word: Thought
Re-read it: yes
Recommend: yes
Star rating: five out of five